Pranic Healing Adelaide

MCKS Pranic Healing Courses

The courses are designed to improve one’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being using laws of nature and ancient spiritual truths. All courses are experiential and practical.

The Pranic Healing courses are designed to provide solutions to the challenges we face in 4 major areas in life. 
  • The first one is physical health.
  • The second one is relationships.
  • The third one is finances and career.
  • The last one is spiritual growth.
Some people need help in healing the physical body or for some, it could be improving relationships with the family/friends or at work.  One could be healthy and have good relationships but may struggle with finances or one may be seeking spiritual growth or fulfillment in life.
Whatever the challenges or difficulties you are facing in life, Pranic Healing provides several practical solutions, tools, techniques to improve your health, relationships, finances, and spiritual growth. Change your energy, change your life!